Written in discord.py
The bot has one function, reacting to messages which contain the ๐ emote.
The bot also replies to messages which it is tagged in and contain certain content, for example, saying @The ๐ Bot#2810
good bot will cause him DM you.
This was created more as a joke for a private server but everyone loved it and wanted to add it to their servers too - hence why I'm making it availible here.
Overall, it's a fun, memey bot which people seem to really love!
If you run into any issues using the bot, please join my discord and I can resolve your issues :)
In one of our discord servers, we constantly use the ๐ emoji, to the point where we started using the ๐ reaction to messages too.
The bot started with the idea to make our lives easier by automatiacally adding the ๐ emoji. This meant that we didn't have to go and find it.
This will show the help dialogue.
Add yourself to the blacklist for the bot. This will prevent me from sending you Direct Messages.
Remove yourself to the blacklist for the bot. This will allow me to send you Direct Messages.
๐allowreplies true|false
This will allow me to send messages into the server.
Default: True
๐allowreactions true|false
Allow bot to add reactions to messages.
Default: True
๐allowdms true|false
This will allow me to send direct messages to users when, for example, they say 'good bot' to me.
Default: True
๐allowreactions true|false
Allow bot to add reactions to messages.
Default: True
๐allowedits true|false
This will allow me to change reactions when messages are edited. Disabling this saves server capacity and helps keep latency low.
Default: False
This will reset the config which has been set up.
@The ๐ Bot#2810 good bot
Response (DM): "๐ Thanks for calling me a good bot! ๐
If you'd like me on your server, add me here: https://top.gg/bot/769211890407833610.
If you'd like to stop recieving these messages, please reply with `๐blacklist
@The ๐ Bot#2810 best bot
Response (DM): "๐ Thanks for calling me a good bot! ๐
If you'd like me on your server, add me here: https://top.gg/bot/769211890407833610.
If you'd like to stop recieving these messages, please reply with `๐blacklist
@The ๐ Bot#2810 good bot
Response: "I know mother, you raised me well. ๐
@The ๐ Bot#2810 best bot
Response: "I know mother, you raised me well. ๐
@The ๐ Bot#2810 bad bot
Response: "How can you lie to your child like that mOtHeR?! ๐
@The ๐ Bot#2810 i love you
Response: "I love you too mother. ๐
@The ๐ Bot#2810 i love you more
Response: "No, I love you more mother. ๐